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The Caribbean > U.S. Virgin Islands

The U.S. Virgin Islands archipelago centres on St. Croix, the largest island, saw the first sugar mill established in 1760, while rum production on St. Thomas is credited to a Danish pharmacist. Though part of the U.S. since the 20th century, the islands’ rum styles have diverged. The larger U.S. Virgin Islands produce lighter rums using multi-column distillation and explore single-barrel aging for a touch of individuality. Their molasses-based rums are fermented for two days using a proprietary yeast strain and island aquifer water, resulting in a spirit that captures the unique character of these idyllic islands.

Ageing: Tropical ageing

Sugar cane season: N/A

Av Temps: 24°C to 31°C (75°F to 88°F)

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